Mr Joel Arthur Schleicher, aged 61, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director in 1998. He has over 28 years of management experience in the manufacturing and technology/telecom services sectors.
Mr Schleicher was the Founder (2004), Chairman and CEO of Presidio, Inc., the foremost professional and managed services companies in North American, at the forefront of Virtualization/Data Center; Collaboration and other advanced IT infrastructure solution. Since 1989, he has worked with private equity firms as a consultant, advisor, board member and held portfolio management roles including as Chairman and CEO for Interpath Communications, Inc.; CEO of Expanets, Inc. and President and COO for Nextel Communications, Inc. In the past, he has served on the board of directors of various North American domestic and international companies – both public and private.
Mr Christopher Patrick Langley, aged 68, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director in May 2001. He was formerly an Executive Director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. Mr Langley maintains close ties with the business community in Hong Kong. He is currently an Independent Non-executive Director of Dickson Concepts (International) Limited, listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong, and a Non-executive Director of Lei Shing Hong Limited which has been delisted from the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on March 17, 2008. Mr Langley resigned as an Independent Non-executive Director of Winsor Properties Holdings Limited, which is listed on the stock exchange of Hong Kong, with effective from September 1, 2012.
Mr Manfred Kuhlmann, aged 68, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director in 2004. He was General Manager of Dresdner Bank AG Hong Kong Branch between 1994 and 1998 and General Manager of Dresdner Bank AG Dubai before he retired in August 2004. Mr Kuhlmann is a graduate of the Banking Academy, Hamburg and has extensive experience in the finance and banking industry. Since 2005 he serves as “Hamburg Ambassador” in the UAE, to support the economic ties between Hamburg, Germany and the UAE. Since July 2009 Mr Kuhlmann was a Non-executive Director and member of the Board of Avicenna Pharma Development FZLLC in Dubai, he retired from that position on December 31, 2010.
Mr Peter David Sullivan, aged 65, was appointed as Independent Non-executive Director effective February 1, 2008. He was an Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited. Mr Sullivan held governance responsibility for franchises of the Standard Chartered Group in Japan, Australia, the Philippines and Bohai Bank in Tianjin, China. He also held a number of other major appointments, including as the Chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Banks and the British Chamber of Commerce.
Mr Sullivan has been appointed as a Non-executive director to the boards of Standard Bank Group and The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited with effect from January 15, 2013. He is the Chairman and Non-executive director of Healthcare Locums plc, company listed on AIM (a market operated by the London Stock Exchange) and a Non-executive director of JPMorgan Indian Investment Trust plc. that is listed on the London Stock Exchange and of the Bankers Investment Trust. Mr Sullivan was an Independent Non-executive director of SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited, a Non-executive director of AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Limited that is listed on the Australian and New Zealand stock exchanges, and the Chairman and Non-executive director of Cenkos Securities plc listed on AIM.
Mr Sullivan holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of New South Wales.
Mr Vincent Ting Kau Cheung, aged 71, was appointed as a Director in 1991 and was re-designated as an Independent Non-executive Director on March 30, 2012. He is a Non-executive Director of Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Limited, listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.
Mr Cheung is a graduate in law from University College London and has been a practising solicitor since 1970. He is qualified to practice law in Hong Kong and England and Wales and he is now a Consultant of Vincent T.K. Cheung, Yap & Co. He is also a Fellow of University College London and a Commandeur de l’Ordre du Mérite Agricole from France.