TTI’s ESG Approach and Strategic Framework

Sustainability is deeply ingrained in our decision-making process and overall strategy, leading to substantial value creation for all stakeholders across our four strategic drivers.

TTI’s ESG approach and strategy begins with our cordless products that produce low emissions while in use and ensure the health and safety of users. To achieve this, we recognize the importance of ongoing engagement with our stakeholders to understand and meet their needs, as well as to comply with developing legal, industry, environmental, health, and safety standards.

TTI’s Powerful Brands represent a legacy of success in developing innovative, durable, reliable, safe, and sustainable products that address the ever-evolving demands of consumers. Our responsible allocation of resources towards the creation of Innovative Products is at the forefront of our transformative journey. We have shifted from traditional petrol, electric corded, manual, hydraulic, and pneumatic powered solutions to cordless battery-powered alternatives. By moving towards cordless we are removing the detrimental environmental, health, and safety impacts of outdated technologies.

The foundation of our ongoing and future success is driven by our Exceptional People. Starting with hiring the right people, we then foster and retain them through our Leadership Development Program, which is the heart of our strategy and culture. We are committed to a multicultural, diverse, and inclusive workplace where all levels of our associates can flourish while building a better future for our business. Our commitment to people expands beyond our internal team. We actively invest in individuals across our stakeholders, including our suppliers, customers, shareholders, global partners, and local communities across the globe. Through our Operational Excellence, we uphold the highest standards of integrity across our value chain.

We consistently uphold responsible and disciplined practices throughout our operations. This includes decarbonizing our operations, disposing of waste responsibly and preserving natural capital, such as water. It also includes ethically sourcing, optimizing our supply chain, and managing the repairability and end-of-life cycle of our products.

As part of our decarbonization plan, our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reviewed and verified for 2021, our baseline year. We are also in the process of mapping our Scope 3 emissions and anticipate sharing the results by 2025.

To further enhance our approach, we established a formalized waste target of achieving a 90% waste-diverted-from-landfill rate by 2030.

Along with our official commitment to the SBTi made in early 2023, we also align to frameworks such as the SASB standards and the recommendations of the TCFD.

While aligning to the UNSDGs, we continued our memberships with organizations such as GRI, Call2Recycle, and the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA).

For each of our four focus areas – Products, Environment, Social, and Governance – we outline how we manage the key sustainability issues that are material to our business in 2023, along with the targets and initiatives that bring us closer to achieving our goals.